Will ChatGPT Replace the Need for Writers? The Bot Itself Says No
A totally serious, completely candid interview with everyone’s (current) favorite AI about the ethics and blind spots of replacing writing with artificial intelligence
Two days ago, I was in a meeting when a colleague asked me if “all this ChatGPT stuff” had me worried as a writer.
A few days before that, I edited an article about OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT, in which the writer speculated that the bot would soon be able to do his job, and he’d be out of work.
Somewhere in between, someone I play Dungeons and Dragons with mused that perhaps the controversial (and disputed) rumor that Wizards of the Coast will turn D&D into a digital-first, pay-to-play model that would include AI DMs is a sign that eventually the Hasbro subsidiary would get rid of its writing team entirely in favor of AI-generated campaigns.
Sometime last year, I spoke with an SEO consultant who said they generally didn’t hire freelance writers like me because they could have an AI write optimized content that was “good enough.”
My friends who teach high school and college English and History classes are worried their students will stop writing…