Your Cheap Overseas Social Media Team Is Awfully Expensive

Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey
9 min readApr 26, 2018
Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is awfully hard. Saying goodbye to a beloved pet and then having a company’s overseas social media team say something insensitive about it just adds insult to injury. (Image description: a grey-and-white tabby cat with green eyes lies on a bed and stares into the camera.)

Not everyone is good at social media.

Not everyone has to be. If you’re an individual who just uses social media to keep in touch with your friends, there will be almost no consequences for anything you post, other than possibly offending a relative with your politics.



Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Teller of tales—mine and others'. Eater of foods—cooked and ordered. Yoga instructor. Phillies fan. Former Texan.